Things to do in Morocco

If you are wondering what to see in Morocco, prepare your senses for a trip full of emotions, colors, smells and unique flavors. This North African country, a bridge between two continents, is a melting pot of cultures that has managed to preserve its ancient traditions while opening up to the world with a vibrant modernity. With a surprising geographical variety, Morocco seduces the visitor with its cities full of history, its dreamlike landscapes and unparalleled hospitality.

Whether you fall in love with the bustle of its souks, the serenity of its deserts, the beauty of its coasts or the charm of its imperial cities, Morocco promises an enriching and diverse experience. So sit back, open your eyes wide and get ready to discover the wonders that await you in this fascinating corner of the planet – welcome to the magical world of Morocco!

Top Morocco Cities to Visit: Unveiling the Beauty of the Kingdom

Morocco is a country of lively and vibrant cities, each with a unique character and history. From bustling metropolises to quiet, picturesque villages, each Moroccan city offers a unique glimpse into the country’s rich and varied culture. Whether you’re drawn to the architecture, the history, the cuisine or simply the hustle and bustle of city life, there’s a city to see and experience in Morocco that’s waiting for you.

On your journey through this exciting country, you’ll be invited to lose yourself in the charming medinas, marvel at the breathtaking panoramic views, savor the delicious local cuisine and, most importantly, meet the warm and welcoming people that make Morocco such a special place. So, without further ado, let us guide you through the top things to do in Morocco.

Marrakech: Where History, Culture, and Beauty Converge

Marrakech, known as the ‘Red City’, is a shining jewel in the heart of Morocco. A place so fascinating, it deserves to be explored calmly and fully. Imagine, for example, a “Marrakech in 4 days” itinerary, leaving you immersed in its culture and charms.

Its vibrant medina, with narrow, labyrinthine streets, is filled with bazaars and souks, each with its own unique character and atmosphere. Here, colors, sounds and aromas combine to create a dreamlike atmosphere, a true feast for the senses.

The souks of Marrakech, famous for their color and energy, are a must do in Morocco. Around every corner, you’ll come across a dazzling array of products: from colorful Berber carpets and finely crafted metal lamps to high-quality leather, jewelry and ceramics. Don’t miss the dyers’ souk, where you can watch artisans dye wool and cotton in vibrant colors in a process that hasn’t changed for centuries.

Each souk has its own charm and specialty. The Chouari souk, for example, is famous for its basketry and carpentry. The Attarine souk is where spice sellers display mountains of saffron, cinnamon, paprika and many other exotic aromas and flavors. Here, you can learn about Moroccan spices and herbs and take home some authentic Moroccan flavors.

Strolling through the souks of Marrakech is like traveling back in time. Artisans work in their workshops as they have for centuries, using traditional tools and techniques. Despite the hustle and bustle and frenetic activity, there is a sense of order and purpose to it all. The souks are the beating heart of Marrakech, a place where daily life and tradition intertwine in a colorful and vibrant tapestry.

But the souks of Marrakech are much more than just places to shop. They are a testament to Morocco’s rich culture and tradition. Each souk is a hive of social activity, where locals come to chat, bargain and hang out. It’s a place where the social life of Marrakech is woven, a place where you can immerse yourself in the rhythm and pulse of the city.

So, are you ready to lose yourself in the souks of Marrakech? Get ready for an unforgettable experience, full of colors, scents and sounds that will transport you to the heart of Morocco.

Casablanca: Discover the Modern Metropolis of Morocco

While Casablanca may be known for being Morocco’s most modern city and its thriving economic center, it is also home to an architectural and religious treasure of great importance: the Hassan II Mosque. This majestic structure not only stands out for its impressive size and beauty, but also symbolizes the essence of Islamic art and Moroccan culture.

The Hassan II Mosque is the third largest mosque in the world, with the capacity to accommodate more than 100,000 worshippers inside and outside squares. The centerpiece is its minaret, which, at 210 meters high, is the tallest on the planet and serves as a symbolic beacon for the city.

As you approach, you will be impressed by the magnitude of the Mosque. But, it is when you enter that you really appreciate the attention to detail and master craftsmanship that has gone into its design. The retractable roof, the exquisite mosaic work, the wood carvings, the Moroccan stone and marble; all testify to the talent and skill of Moroccan craftsmen.

The Mosque also has a hammam (traditional bath), a Koranic school and an extensive library, making it a center of culture and learning. However, its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is one of the few mosques to see in Morocco that allows entry to non-Muslims, thus offering an invaluable opportunity for visitors to better understand Islamic culture and traditions.

A walk around the outside of the Mosque will also give you wonderful views. Situated on a peninsula jutting into the Atlantic Ocean, the Hassan II Mosque offers a spectacular backdrop of sea and sky. At sunset, when the last rays of the sun bathe the mosque, the place becomes even more magical.

Visiting the Hassan II Mosque is undoubtedly a fascinating and enriching journey through Morocco’s history, culture and spirituality. Whether you are an architecture lover, a seeker of spiritual knowledge, or simply a curious traveler, we invite you to explore this iconic monument with one of our Casablanca tours.

Fez: Immerse Yourself in the Rich Medieval Heritage

If there is one place to see in Morocco that epitomizes the charm of its past, it is undoubtedly Fez. This city, the oldest of Morocco’s four imperial cities, is a hidden treasure where time seems to have stood still. At its heart lies the Medina of Fez, or Fez el-Bali, a labyrinth of narrow winding streets and bustling markets that transport you back to the Middle Ages.

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Medina of Fez is the largest and best preserved in the Arab world. Here you will be immersed in a world full of colors and aromas, where every alley, every corner, holds a story. From the artisans working leather and wood as in the old days, to the food stalls with typical dishes full of flavor, the Medina is a real sensory journey.

But the real jewel of Fez are its madrasas, ancient Islamic schools, which are a testimony to the rich intellectual and spiritual history of the city. The Bou Inania Madrasa, considered one of the finest examples of Marinid architecture, stands out. Its minaret decorated with colorful mosaics, its intricate woodwork and plasterwork, and its quiet courtyard, make this madrasa a must-see.

Another must is the Madrasa Al-Attarine, so called because it is located near the market of the sellers of perfumes and spices. Its beautiful mosaic decoration, its central courtyard with fountain and the light filtering through the cedar latticework create an atmosphere of peace and serenity.

You cannot leave Fez without visiting Al Quaraouiyine University, considered the oldest functioning university in the world. Founded in 859, this university has been a center of learning for some of the greatest thinkers of the Islamic world and remains an important place of study and reflection.

A visit to Fez and its Medina is like a journey back in time, where you can feel the essence of Morocco at every step. Its rich history, architectural heritage and vibrant daily life make Fez a truly unique city.

Ouarzazate: Experience the Exotic Charm and Hollywood Magic

Known as the “Gateway to the Desert”, Ouarzazate is a city in southern Morocco that often serves as a starting point for exploring the Sahara. But Ouarzazate is more than just a waypoint: this unique city is also home to some of the world’s most famous film studios and offers breathtaking desert landscapes that will take your breath away.

The Atlas Studios, just outside Ouarzazate, are known as the “Hollywood of Morocco”. With a surface area of over 200,000 square meters, these studios are one of the largest in the world and have been the shooting location for numerous internationally renowned films and series such as “Gladiator”, “Game of Thrones” and “Kingdom of Heaven”. A visit to these studios will allow you to get inside the film sets and discover the secrets behind the screen. If you are a movie lover, this place is simply a must.

Another attraction in Ouarzazate is the Kasbah of Taourirt, an ancient fortified palace that looks like something out of a fairy tale. This adobe and thatch complex, with its decorated towers and intricate wood carvings, is a magnificent example of southern Moroccan architecture and offers a wonderful insight into life in a traditional kasbah.

But Ouarzazate is also the starting point for one of the most incredible experiences you can have in Morocco: a trip to the Sahara Desert. Just a few hours from the city, you’ll find golden sand dunes stretching as far as the eye can see, starry skies that look like something out of a dream, and the vastness and tranquility of the desert, an experience that leaves you speechless. Whether you choose a day trip or an overnight stay in a Bedouin camp, this experience is sure to be the highlight of your trip.

In short, Ouarzazate is a city full of contrasts, where the glamour of the film industry meets the raw beauty of the desert. Whether you love cinema, are fascinated by Moroccan history and culture, or are simply looking for a unique adventure, a tour from Ouarzazate offers you an unforgettable experience. We invite you to discover this jewel in the heart of Morocco!

But Morocco is much more than these four cities. It is a country with endless possibilities and experiences at every step. And there is still much more to discover…

Rabat: the capital full of history and culture

Rabat, the capital of Morocco, is one of the country’s most intriguing cities. This vibrant and cosmopolitan city is a counterpoint between the old and the new, a city where ancient history intertwines with modernity in a harmonious dance full of contrasts. From its old town to its modern architecture, Rabat is a melting pot of cultures and styles that reflects Morocco’s rich history.

A trip to Rabat would not be complete without a visit to the Kasbah des Oudaias, a 12th century fortress overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and the Bou Regreg River. Strolling through its narrow, winding blue-and-white streets is like stepping back in time, and from its top, you can enjoy breathtaking views of the city and the sea.

Not far from the Kasbah, you will find the Hassan Tower, an unfinished 12th century minaret that is all that remains of what was to be the largest mosque in the world. Next to the Hassan Tower is the Mausoleum of Mohammed V, a magnificent white marble monument where King Mohammed V and his two sons, King Hassan II and Prince Moulay Abdellah, are laid to rest. This site is an important pilgrimage site and a testament to the Alawite dynasty that has ruled Morocco since the 17th century.

Rabat is also home to some of Morocco’s finest museums. The Mohammed VI Museum of Contemporary and Modern Art, for example, houses an impressive collection of works by Moroccan and African artists and is a testament to the country’s vibrant art scene. The Archaeological Museum, on the other hand, houses a fascinating collection of artifacts spanning thousands of years of Moroccan history.

Rabat also offers a lively seaside promenade, the Bouregreg Marina, full of restaurants, stores and leisure activities. This modern seaside development contrasts with the city’s ancient history and offers a glimpse of modern, ever-changing Morocco.

All in all, Rabat is a city full of life and culture, a place where you can discover Morocco’s rich history while enjoying the vibrant city life. If you are looking for a destination that combines history, culture and modernity, Rabat is a must when planning what to do in Morocco.

Tangier: where two seas meet

Located at the meeting point of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, Tangier is a Moroccan city full of charm and mystery. Its strategic location, at the northern tip of Morocco, not only gives it a unique geographical beauty, but has also influenced its rich and diverse cultural history.

For centuries, Tangier has been a melting pot of cultures and civilizations. From the Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs and Berbers to the Europeans, all have left their mark on this city, creating a truly unique cultural and architectural fabric. This melting pot of influences is reflected in its Medina, a harmonious blend of architectural styles and narrow streets that invite you to get lost and discover its secrets.

One of the emblems of Tangier is the Cave of Hercules, a place full of myths and legends. According to Greek mythology, this is where Hercules rested after performing one of his twelve tasks. The cave, with a natural opening in the shape of a map of Africa, offers breathtaking views of the sea and is a magical place not to be missed.

But Tangier is much more than history and mythology. Its famous Café Hafa, opened in 1921, has been a meeting point for artists and writers such as Paul Bowles, William S. Burroughs and the Rolling Stones. From its terraces, you can enjoy a cup of mint tea while taking in the breathtaking views of the Strait of Gibraltar and the Spanish coast.

Tangier is also a booming cultural center. The Kasbah Museum, housed in a former sultan’s palace, offers a detailed look at the region’s history. The Gran Teatro Cervantes, although currently under restoration, is a testimony to the time of the Spanish protectorate in the city.

In terms of nature, Tangier’s beach is a popular spot for locals and visitors alike. You can stroll along its extensive boardwalk, enjoy a relaxing day at the beach or, if you like surfing, catch some waves.

In short, Tangier is a city where the two seas meet and cultures converge. With its rich history, vibrant cultural scene and natural beauty, Tangier is a jewel waiting to be discovered.

Chefchaouen: the blue city

Nestled in the Rif Mountains in northern Morocco lies a hidden gem whose charm is as vibrant as the color that adorns it. Chefchaouen, better known as the blue city of Morocco, is a sight to behold, with its buildings and streets bathed in various shades of blue.

The story of why Chefchaouen is blue is fascinating. It is believed that the tradition began in the 1930s, when Jews living there painted the buildings blue to symbolize the sky and remind everyone to live a spiritual life. Since then, the custom has endured, and now visitors from all over the world flock to this small town to stroll through its bluish streets and feel as if they are walking in a dream.

Chefchaouen’s Medina, though smaller than those of other Moroccan cities, is a maze of narrow, winding streets, filled with stores selling everything from pottery to traditional weavings. Getting lost in these narrow streets is part of the magic of Chefchaouen.

One of the best places to appreciate the beauty of Chefchaouen is from the Spanish Mosque, perched on a hill overlooking the city. The walk up there is a bit steep, but the panoramic views of the blue city and surrounding mountains are well worth the effort.

But Chefchaouen is not just about its blue Medina. Its surroundings are a paradise for nature lovers. From hiking in the Talassemtane National Park to walks along the Akchour waterfalls, there is a wealth of activities for the adventurous.

Chefchaouen is also famous for its fresh goat cheese, so don’t miss the opportunity to try it. And if you fancy a mint tea, there are countless cafes with terraces where you can sit and enjoy the tranquility of the city.

Chefchaouen is one of the best places to visit in Morocco. A haven of peace and beauty that transports you to another world. Its charm lies not only in its unique color, but also in its peaceful atmosphere, rich history and stunning natural environment.

Essaouira: the city of wind

On the Atlantic coast of Morocco, where the waves of the sea meet the stone walls of an ancient fortress, lies Essaouira, also known as the city of wind. This port city, with its laid-back atmosphere and charming mix of Berber, Arab and European influences, is a refreshing respite from the hustle and bustle of Morocco’s larger cities.

The Medina of Essaouira, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a maze of white and blue alleys flanked by houses with carved wooden windows and colorful doors. Unlike the larger, more crowded medinas, here you can stroll leisurely, explore the craft stores and enjoy the Andalusian and Portuguese architecture without feeling overwhelmed.

One of the most emblematic aspects of Essaouira is its fishing port. Here you can watch the local fishermen in action, with their blue boats and nets full of fresh fish. Don’t miss the opportunity to sample freshly caught fish and seafood at one of the many open-air restaurants that line the harbor.

But what really sets Essaouira apart is its strong wind, which blows almost constantly, giving it the nickname “the city of wind”. This wind has made Essaouira a paradise for lovers of water sports such as windsurfing and kitesurfing. If you are passionate about these sports, or if you just want to try something new, Essaouira is the perfect place for you.

The charm of Essaouira does not end at the coast. The argan forests surrounding the city are home to the region’s famous tree-climbing goats. These trees are the source of the prized argan oil, known for its beneficial properties for skin and hair. You can visit a women’s cooperative that produces argan oil and see the extraction process firsthand.

Essaouira is also known for its vibrant music scene. Each year, the city hosts the Gnawa Music Festival, an event that attracts musicians and fans from around the world to celebrate this form of spiritual music and dance.

In short, Essaouira is a city where the wind carries with it a heady mix of cultures, colors and sounds. With its relaxing atmosphere, stunning seascape and rich history and culture, an excursion to Essaouira is a must on any trip to Morocco.

The Sahara Desert: a vastness of sand and stars

A visit to Morocco would not be complete without entering the vastness of the Sahara Desert, a mythical landscape that has captured the imagination of travelers for centuries. In this vast sea of golden dunes, unforgettable experiences and breathtaking views await you that will stay with you forever.

Imagine riding a camel across the dunes as the sun sets, bathing the desert in shades of orange and pink. It is an almost mystical experience, where the silence is only broken by the soft crunching of the sand beneath the dromedary’s feet. For sure, one of the best activities to do in Morocco.

Berber luxury camps offer a comfortable base from which to explore the desert. Here, you can spend the night under a starry sky that is simply spectacular due to the lack of light pollution. After a delicious traditional dinner around a campfire, you can lie back to gaze at the stars and search for constellations, perhaps with a Berber song in the background.

Be sure to enjoy an authentic Moroccan tea ceremony. Tea, which is prepared with great care and served in three rounds, is a staple of desert hospitality.

Adventure lovers will also find plenty to do in the Sahara. You can try your hand at sandboarding or take a thrilling ride in a 4×4 vehicle.

The Sahara is also home to a variety of wildlife that has managed to adapt to its harsh conditions. If you’re lucky, you may spot desert foxes, gazelles and even, if you’re very lucky, the elusive fennec or desert fox.

In the Merzouga region, the Erg Chebbi dunes are a must-see. Here, the dunes can reach up to 150 meters high, creating a spectacular landscape that will make you feel as if you were in another world.

In short, the Sahara Desert is more than just an ocean of sand: it is a place where you can experience the vastness of the landscape, the calm of silence, the rich Berber culture and the astonishing beauty of an unparalleled night sky. It is, without a doubt, one of the best things to do in Morocco. A place of magic and mystery that you can’t miss. Are you ready to dive into this adventure?

Morocco: a country to enjoy

In short, Morocco is a country with a rich diversity of landscapes, cultures and traditions that promises you an unparalleled adventure. Every city, every corner of this country has its own history and charm. From the vitality and color of Marrakech to the tranquility of the Sahara dunes, from the waves of the Atlantic in Essaouira to the peaks of the Rif in Chefchaouen. Visiting Morocco is a feast for the senses.

But beyond its tourist attractions, Morocco is also a meeting place of cultures, a land where the past and the present, the local and the global, the familiar and the exotic intertwine. It is a place where every traveler can find something to inspire and excite them.

So, are you ready to pack your bags and embark on the adventure of a lifetime? Morocco invites you to explore its treasures, meet its people and immerse yourself in its enchanting chaos. No matter how much time you spend here, there will always be something new to discover, a new story to tell. So what are you waiting for, the trip of a lifetime is waiting for you in Morocco!

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